A:RP Faction Rules and Guidelines

A faction attack is automatically considered when you directly engage a faction with firearms or bladed weapons, no matter whether they are death-modded or wounded.

Spraying over tags (unless caught), brawling and general behavior that is interpreted as hostile that do not include the usage of firearms or bladed weapons are not considered a faction attack.

Upon initiating a faction attack, you should not linger in or around said faction's turf, with the sole intent of hunting people down to kill them. This includes block wiping and chasing individuals around the area just to kill them.

Faction attacks should be performed in a sensible manner, including sufficient reasoning for the choice of weapons used.

For example; attacks performed for minor acts don't warrant the usage of an assault rifle.

You are encouraged to enter faction controlled wars to promote roleplay.
Attack conditions​ New factions are prohibited from provoking other factions and must be open for a minimum of 1 week before conducting an attack on any faction. If the newly formed faction is attacked first by an opposing faction, they may actively retaliate against them in a realistic manner that accommodates their faction's current development.

Robberies, brawls, and tagging are not considered attacks. The faction/party victim of a robbery may retaliate against those who robbed them, but this will be considered an attack if firearms are used. If a faction enters rival turf to tag over their rival's wall and is caught doing so, then shot at by their rival faction, both factions will be forced into a 6-hour cooldown. You are only permitted to shoot at those spraying over tags at the time of the immediate situation and not after.
  • Example: Faction A goes into Faction B’s turf that is marked on the turf map.
  • Faction A sprays over Faction B’s graffiti at which point faction B immediately shoots in retaliation.
  • Faction A and B are forced into an attack cooldown.
Only four participants can be involved in any faction attack, including allied factions.

Previously killed members of either faction may defend their turf or their faction members from any attack, or form of active aggression, but may not be involved in any retaliations/future attacks.
Alternate characters may not be used directly relating to a situation if your main character was killed and vice versa this includes the transmission of information pertaining to the opposing faction.

Factions that initiate brawls are NOT allowed to go past the 4 man limit, but may not use firearms unless the opposing party engages first using a gun/knife/katana and not any other melee weapons. However, factions are discouraged to do so. Brawls have their own cooldown and may only be initiated every three hours. A cooldown will trigger no matter where the brawl is initiated. A faction brawl will trigger the cooldown when more than three opposing members participate/mob down. The cooldown applies to both parties, attacking and defending.

If knives or any forum of melee’s are used in the brawl from any party, it is considered a faction attack on their side and this triggers the 6 hours cooldown.

Example: Faction A mobs down with three or more members to Faction B’s turf. A brawl ensues and people are put into brutally wounded/death mode without the use of edged weapons. This triggers a 3 hour cooldown for Faction A and Faction B. This is to prevent a back and forth of mindless brawls.

Allies and their involvement​ Before introducing an ally into an attack, you must be clearly related to the faction and have a standing relationship. Sufficient evidence must be present for both the standing relationship as well as including sensible motivation to be assisting said faction.

Only one allied faction may be invoked per attack, and there must be two weeks of evidence to back your allegiance. Factions are limited to (1) one ally aiding per attack and are obligated to have (1) members of their own participating. Allies will also be put on a six (6) hour attack cooldown. Remember as an ally, you are also opening yourself up to a potential war with your allies' rival.
Death and cooldown conditions​ Players put into death mode during an attack of any faction are automatically considered dead and have no recollection of the attack or events leading up to it until the Short Term War concludes or Player Controlled War is organized.

If no Short Term or Player Controlled War is organized, then said killed participants may not involve themselves with the current feud unless defending from an attack. The cooldown for any faction attack is twenty-four (8) hours. This applies to the attacking faction only.

The faction under attack may retaliate at their own discretion. Any kills made by law enforcement, the opposing faction's members, imprisonments over 6 (six) hours (360 minutes) or admin jails, directly relating to the attack, automatically remove you from the situation.

A faction that just had a short term war/normal war with a faction, may not have another/any war or faction attacks with that same faction for TWO (2) weeks. That counts for both factions (including allies) that were involved regardless of who was victorious.
End Conditions​
  • Mutual Agreement (IC or OOC)
  • Faction Management intervention
  • Enter faction controlled war.
Short Term Wars Conditions
  • Faction must be open for at least two weeks (14 days) before conducting or organizing a Short Term War. (Both factions can agree to set rules to bypass the two weeks wait, if both parties agree to it)
  • Automatically considered a Short Term War war when one factions attacks and another retaliates
  • May escalate into Player Controlled War or die out
  • Automatically considered over two weeks from last attack
  • Valid until everyone dies once or one faction forfeits
  • No agreement necessary
Explanation of attacks Attacks are considered when you, as a faction or member of a faction, go into another faction's turf and indulge in one of the aforementioned conditions (see Faction Attack conditions). An attack conducted outside of the defending faction's turf is only considered an attack if somebody from the defending faction is killed or put into brutally wounded mode by the attacking faction during the conflict. If you are killed or put into brutally wounded mode in another faction's turf, it also constitutes as a faction attack on their behalf if you were not the instigator. If you give them a reason to attack you in their turf, it is not an attack on their behalf, and it remains neutral (not considered an attack by either party).
Deaths, participation, and cooldown effect
Killed members may not participate under any circumstance. Any admin punishment directly related to this conflict automatically removes you from this war. An imprisonment by law enforcement of which is related to the conflict, will also remove you from the war as if you had been killed. Deaths by law enforcement, which are related to the conflict, also come under this provision and are treated as if you had been killed by an opposing faction. If 'removed' you may participate in defense of an attack, but you may not involve yourself in an attack in any way whatsoever. The cooldown for any faction attack is six hours. This applies to the attacking faction only. The faction under attack may retaliate at their own discretion.

A faction that just had a short term war/normal war with another faction, may not have another/any war or faction attacks with that same faction for TWO (2) weeks. That counts for both factions (including allies) that were involved regardless of who was victorious.
Player Controlled War (Long Term Wars & PK Wars all as one ruleset)​ Conditions
  • Faction must be open for at least two weeks (14 days) before conducting or organizing a Short Term War. (Both factions can agree to set rules to bypass the two weeks wait, if both parties agree to it)
  • War intended as a result of continuous conflict
  • War rivaled for monetary gain i.e turf disputes/conflictions (one or the other, intentional for long term conflict or for win/lose conditions, completely player/faction leadership orchestrated)
  • Players brutally wounded or killed are to adhere to cooldown conditions
  • Rosters must be exchanged and a mutual agreement must be made to enforce a Player Controlled War
  • Modified conditions can be approved if forwarded to members of FMC, i.e cooldowns and weapon restrictions, attack limit (within reason)
  • Supposed to be long lasting or until opposing faction surrenders
  • Faction Management Council may force a war or put a stop to a war at their discretion
  • Leaderships may mutually agree that kills are considered Player Kills in this war. (must be clarified when handing over roster)
Explanation of attacks During a Player Controlled War, tensions have already risen and the rivalry has heightened, attacks must be thoroughly roleplayed and not fall under deathmatching circumstances. The methodology behind a Player Controlled War is to be long-drawn and as realistic as possible or for monetary gain, unnecessarily killing blocks should be off the table. Players in proximity of your attack should only be killed if they pull their weapon or shoot back.

Attacks are instantly considered when you, as a faction or member of a faction, go into another faction's turf and indulge in one of the aforementioned conditions. Attacks conducted outside of a faction's turf are only considered an attack if somebody is killed during said attack or consequently put into brutally wounded mode as a result of the conflict. If you are shot or put into brutally wounded mode in another faction's turf, it also constitutes a faction attack on their behalf if you were not the initiator.
Deaths, participation, and cooldown effect Killed members may be brought back into this war after a 48 hour cooldown, members jailed or killed by law enforcement as a result of the conflict are also to adhere to the cooldown. The cooldown for any attack is 24 hours, unless a mutual agreement is made by both individual leaderships. The intent behind a Long Term War is to make it relatively player/faction controlled, Faction Management intervention should be last resort, we log it for moderation purposes. Any mutual agreements made, including changes to the roster(deaths), must be forwarded to a Faction Management Council member to keep on top of things. Evidence and agreements should also be kept by yourself, in the form of a screenshot. It is vital that everything is documented.

A faction that just had a player controlled war with another faction, may not have another/any war or faction attacks with that same faction for one (1) MONTH. That counts for both and all factions (including allies) that were involved regardless of who was victorious.
End Conditions
  • Mutual Agreement by both factions.
  • May mutually agree that killing two(2) members of leadership ends the war. (at the leadership's discretion, and subject to change, leadership defined by those listed in the finalized roster)
  • Faction management intervention
  • One faction closes
  • 75% of either faction's roster is killed